After several years of worrying, planning and fund raising, The RCCRC has moved ahead and contracted with a local company to have the club house roof replacedThe current roof is stretched membrane, over particle board, over the original metal roof. After 25+ years in the sun it is maxxed out. Numerous patches have bought us some time but we’ve entered the club house with trepidation after every heavy rain and each spring thaw.
Patches are peeling, along with the edges of the membrane, and nails are rising and stretching the membrane from below.
1″x4″ stringers will be attached over the existing purlins and then a new metal roof, similar to a large pole barn. This avoids a costly tear-off, code allows three layers of roofing, and presents an air space for a minimal thermal break from the attic space.
The contractor gave us a bid 30% less than others we had received, and plans to begin work in two weeks, The cost is still over $10,000. We have raised over $5000 and pretty much depleted club funds to get this done now before the fall rains and another winter sets in, so we’ll still be raising money for the roof for a little while.